If you are an adult with a severe physical disability, the Independence Waiver may be able to help you live or remain in the community and remain as independent as possible.
To be eligible for the Independence Waiver, you must:
- Be a Pennsylvania resident.
- Be 18-60 – Individuals that turn 60 while in the waiver will be able to continue to receive services through the Independence Waiver.
- Individuals who are physically disabled (but not with mental retardation or have a major mental disorder as a primary diagnosis), who reside in a Nursing Facility (NF) or the community but who have been assessed to require services at the level of nursing facility level of care.
- In addition, the disability must result in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following major life activities: self-care, understanding and use of language, learning, mobility, self-direction, and/or capacity for independent living.
- Meet the financial requirements as determined by your local County Assistance Office.
Services available may include:
- Adult Daily Living Services
- Accessibility Adaptations, Equipment, Technology, and Medical Supplies
- Community Integration
- Community Transition Services
- Financial Management Services
- Home Health Care
- Non-Medical Transportation
- Personal Assistance Services
- Personal Emergency Response System (PERS)
- Respite
- Service Coordination
- Supported Employment
- Therapeutic and Counseling Services